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ECOOP 2016
Sun 17 - Fri 22 July 2016 Rome, Italy
Wed 20 Jul 2016 16:20 - 16:45 at Auditorium Loyola - Session 3 Chair(s): Colin Gordon
Many programming languages, such as Clojure, Scala, and Haskell, support different concurrency models. In practice these models are often combined, however the semantics of the combinations are not always well-defined. In this paper, we study the combination of futures and Software Transactional Memory. Currently, futures created within a transaction cannot access the transactional state safely, violating the serializability of the transactions and leading to unexpected behavior. We define transactional tasks: a construct that allows futures to be created in transactions. Transactional tasks allow the parallelism in a transaction to be exploited, while providing safe access to the state of their encapsulating transaction. We show that transactional tasks have several useful properties: they are coordinated, they maintain serializability, and they do not introduce non-determinism. As such, transactional tasks combine futures and Software Transactional Memory, allowing the potential parallelism of a program to be fully exploited, while preserving the properties of the separate models where possible.

Wed 20 Jul

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:30 - 16:45
Session 3Research Track at Auditorium Loyola
Chair(s): Colin Gordon Drexel University
Making an Embedded DBMS JIT-friendly[AEC approved]
Research Track
CF Bolz-Tereick King's College London , Darya Melicher Carnegie Mellon University, Laurence Tratt King's College London
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
QL: Object-oriented Queries on Relational Data
Research Track
Link to publication DOI Pre-print
Transactional Tasks: Parallelism in Software Transactions[AEC approved]Distinguished Paper
Research Track
Janwillem Swalens Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Joeri De Koster Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Wolfgang De Meuter Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached