ECOOP was very fun, interesting, and exhausting. I attended STOP, ICOOLPS, FTfJP, the Summer School, and also got to see a few talks from CurryOn and the main research track. There was a wide variety of topics, and even though I missed some talks I was interested in (due to volunteering shifts or conflicts with other talks), I’m very satisfied with the entire experience. I also got a chance to present my research at the poster session and get some feedback.
Some of my favourite talks included “Types for Ruby” (STOP), “Sulong - Execution of LLVM-Based Languages on the JVM” (ICOOOLPS), “Java Generics are Turing Complete” (FTfJP), “Formal Language Recognition with the Java Type Checker” (ECOOP). I also enjoyed the keynotes for both CurryOn and ECOOP.
I want to thank everyone who made the conference possible and everything run smoothly. Thank you to all the organizers and staff and volunteers!